Tuesday 21 February 2012

Week 6 Monitoring and Measuring

This week’s assignment asks students to research three free measurement tools and one additional paid analytic tool. There are so many tools out there to help professionals and new users like me in understanding how to monitor your social networks. Tools like these really do help manage the information and all your networks!

Free measurement tools

Stats in Google Blogger
In my search for tools that can help you monitor and measure your social media program, I started to look at my personal blog. I am using Google’s Blogger. Within the tool, a simple Stats page provides you with a high-level summary of the number of page views. The report shows page views for today, yesterday, last month and all time history. You can also look at traffic sources and page views by country, browsers and operating systems.

Page view tracking in Google Blogger


I learned about this tool from a colleague and saved it as a favorite to look at later. Reppler is a tool that helps you manage your online image across different social networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Reppler looks at how your social media networks might perceive you by analyzing the tone you use in your interactions, the words you use, activities and Facebook wall sources and categories. I like that it works with you on a continuous basis by emailing you progress reports to summarize your activities across your social networks that could affect your online image.


HootSuite’s Basic Social Media Dashboard
With the basic version of HootSuite’s social media monitoring dashboard you can link a number of your networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Foursquare, MySpace etc. With the basic plan you get some free quick reports, connect up to five social profiles, two RSS/atom feeds and a list of your promoted tweets.
Having never used the tool I signed up for their basic plan and received an email with a lot of great information for someone to get started. HootSuite not only allows you to monitor your social networks but you can manage them with this integrated interface.
HootSuite also offers a paid professional version for just $5.99 a month with additional monitoring and measurement tools at your fingertips. I also checked out their blog and noticed that they offer Social Media Education for Industry Leading Professionals through their HootSuite University Certification Program.
Paid Analytics

SAS Social Media Analytics is an on-demand application offering that integrates archives, analyzes and reports on the effects of online conversations occurring across professional, consumer-generated and social network media sites. What I like about this tool is that you can view your social influences by media source. For example, you can check the number of tweets, mentions, replies, retweets and followers all in one central place.

The tool can also help you with the following:

  • Monitoring online conversations
  • Alert you of good and bad influences so that you can react in a timely fashion
  • Help you understand your audience behaviors
After all this research, I still cannot decide which the best tool is for a new beginner. I am looking forward to reading reviews from my colleagues, hoping to learn more about how to monitor and measure social media and networking activities. I also hope to learn a few tips along the way!


  1. Hey Cecilia,
    I find it so interesting that Hootsuite provides a Hootsuite university certification course. I guess with the continuous growing importance of social media and its use by professionals, it is imperative to have a program like this available!

    I also like how they offer a professional version, which allows for greater and more precise usage of the tool.

    I think I will sign up for this tool, to get more information. This is truly fascinating!!

  2. Hi Cecilia!

    I am also a fan of google blogger, I find it interesting too :) Have you ever tried Tweetdeck? It is also very user friendly and uses a dashboard much like Hootsuite. If you try it, let me know what you think!


  3. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to check out Reppler. Sounds really interesting. I find it fascinating that tools can analyze the tone of your content and come up with an impression of how people perceive you on social media. I have seen other tools that do something similar to track whether the overall tone of comments is positive or negative but Reppler sounds more indepth. Not sure I want to know how people perceive me personally though - "crazy, eco-hippie dog lady" comes to mind!

  4. Thanks for sharing reppler. I never heard of it, but it's good to know of a free tool that measures your tone and sends you reports.
